As I've grinned and beared my way through 23, yes, 23 GCSE exams and came out the other end with 1/2 decent grades (1A*, 6As, 6Bs) I feel as if I'm in a position to *attempt* to give some tips which I used when revising.
1) The obvious, don't revise the day before your exam..
You can't revise at 2am hunched over your desk surviving on redbull the day of the exam. As much as you may hope you can, you can't I'm afraid. Get as much revision done as early as possible.
2) Past papers are your best friend.
Okay, so if you're anything like me you HATE doing past papers but I can honestly say I think they made a huge difference in my exams and I'm so glad I did them. It gave me serious exam technique practise and came out the end of it with 2/3 of my chemistry exams with full marks. Also, do them in exam conditions- you won't help yourself copying the mark scheme!
3) Create a revision timetable
and stick to it!!! Try getrevising. I use it for all my timetables and it helps me manage my time so much better.

4) Work out your best learning style
What I mean by this is are you visual, aural (music), auditory, kinesthetic (physical). You can find this out by doing this quiz I find that I'm both visual and verbal- I love youtube videos and posters to revise from!
(Tactile is another name for physical)
5) Be organised
Organise your notes, your revision, folders etc. It'll be so much easier to find where everything is if you know where everything is, if you come to revise and your notes are all jumbled up and you're missing 1/2 of them it'll be a lot harder to do efficient revision.
Thanks for reading and good luck with the exams!
Love, Hannah x
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